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7 Refreshing 4th of July Coffee Recipes to Red, White & Brew

4th of july coffee recipes strawberries mint blueberries

The Fourth of July holiday might bring to mind long days at the beach, slices of watermelon, and flipping hamburger patties on the grill. But don’t forget to include your favorite drink in the celebration!

Keep reading to find our favorite Independence Day coffee recipes, from wildly tasty flavored coffee to iced Americanos, smoothies, and even desserts. You will be celebrating in true coffee-lover style before you know it!

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Top 7 Delicious 4th of July Coffee Recipes:

1. Blue & Red Coffee Smoothie

berry coffee smoothie recipe
Image Credit: Tara Evans, Unsplash

Does anything sound more delicious on a hot day than a smoothie? Blend berries with coffee and ice to make a refreshing, caffeinated delight. You can top your coffee smoothie with whipped cream, blueberries, and strawberries to make it even more celebratory!

Delicious Coffee Smoothie (Vegan)
This easy coffee smoothie recipe is vegan, but it’s also delightfully creamy! Freeze a banana or two ahead of time for an easy five-minute smoothie.
Try this delicious recipe!
coffee smoothie vegan banana and dates

2. Iced Berry Americano

iced coffee
Image Credit: Dimaz Fakhruddin, Unsplash

You can easily turn a classic Americano — espresso mixed with water — into a holiday drink by adding your favorite berries. On a hot summer day, iced Americanos are some of the most refreshing drinks you can enjoy. Add a splash of blueberry, strawberry, or raspberry coffee syrup, and throw in a few fresh or frozen berries to make this drink a true Fourth of July delight.

3. Minty Cold Brew

mint mojito coffee with coffee ice cubes
Image: Rimma Bondarenko, Shutterstock

If you have a batch of cold brew waiting in your refrigerator, this refreshing drink comes together in seconds. Muddle a few fresh mint leaves or add a splash of peppermint extract to a tall glass of iced cold brew. Add a little coffee creamer and brown sugar if you’d like a sweet, creamy treat. That’s it — one of the easiest and most delicious drinks you can enjoy in the summer.

4. Juniper Latte

pine juniper latte
Image: Rimma Bondarenko, Shutterstock

At Starbucks, the Juniper Latte may be a winter holiday treat, but we think it’s equally delicious in the summer. This foamy, lightly sweetened latte gets its piney, spiced flavor from homemade juniper syrup. It’s an unusual treat that will have your taste buds raving!

Homemade Starbucks Juniper Latte
The Starbucks Juniper Latte is an unusual, creamy drink made with juniper berries, cardamom, and orange zest, plus the classic espresso and milk. This drink is equally delicious in December or July and will impress any guest.
Try this delicious recipe!
pine juniper latte

5. Dandelion Coffee

dandelion coffee
Image: PavelKant, Shutterstock

If you’re enjoying a barbecue with friends in your backyard, why not put some of those bright yellow weeds to use? You can make a dandelion coffee by roasting dandelion roots and brewing them with chicory and cinnamon. This caffeine-free treat is the definition of a summer delight!

Easy Dandelion Coffee
Dandelion coffee is a caffeine-free, herbal delight made from the roots of the classic bright yellow flower. Here's how to turn that backyard weed into a nutritious, tasty drink!
Try this delicious recipe!
dandelion coffee

6. Cherry Coffee Granita

coffee granita dessert
Image: Elena Veselova, Shutterstock

Turn a coffee granita into a cherry coffee granita by pureeing fresh or frozen cherries with lime juice. Add this tart mixture to your brewed coffee and freeze it as you would any granita. Don’t forget to stir regularly to keep the granita texture smooth!

Delicious Coffee Granita
The only trick to making a delicious coffee granita is remembering to stir while it’s freezing. We like to add a little Kahlua (or homemade coffee liqueur) for an extra pop of flavor, but you can easily skip the alcohol. Enjoy your fluffy, sweet dessert!
Try this delicious recipe!
coffee granita dessert

7. Independence Day Freakshake

freakshake coffee milkshake with ice cream and cookies
Image: Unsplash

In the mood for something truly over the top? Pull together a towering Freakshake, or coffee milkshake with lots of toppings. To make this a Fourth of July Freakshake, add red, white, and blue toppings! To add a little red, try cherries (fresh or Maraschino), strawberries, any kind of red candy, or a slice of red velvet cake. White toppings might include whipped cream, white chocolate chips, marshmallows, macadamia nuts, or vanilla Oreos. Blue toppings are a little harder, but blueberries and blue M&Ms are good options.

Decadent Coffee Freakshake
If you have a serious sweet tooth, you won’t be able to resist this incredibly delicious recipe! Make a coffee milkshake and top it with an ice cream cone, Oreo cookie, brownie, and any other dessert you have on hand. Your decadent coffee freakshake awaits…
Try this delicious recipe!
freakshake coffee milkshake with ice cream and cookies

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Final Thoughts

Have you found the perfect drink (or three) to enjoy on Independence Day? The Fourth of July only comes around once a year, and it deserves a truly great celebration. We hope you enjoy a berry Americano, red, white, and blue coffee milkshake, or fresh, summery latte! And if you’re looking for something a little easier, why not try one of Volcanica’s excellent American coffees for 12% off?

SEE ALSO: 15 Refreshing Summer Coffee Recipes (Easy & Tasty!)

Featured image credit: Seqoya, Shutterstock


Kate MacDonnell

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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