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10 Coffee Consumer Trends to Know in 2024

woman drinking coffee

Coffee lovers are always on the lookout for the next big thing in the coffee world. As we head full force into the new year, knowing a few of the hottest consumer trends in the coffee industry can help you experience everything the coffee world has to offer. Let’s take a look at 10 coffee consumer trends you need to know this year. This will help you get your favorite coffee cup prepared so you can enjoy everything your favorite beverage has to offer.

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Top 10 Coffee Consumer Trends in 2024:

1. Healthier Coffee Blends

Mushroom Latte Coffee with Milk and Espresso_alp aksoy_shutterstock
Image Credit: alp-aksoy, Shutterstock

With our overall health being one of the primary focuses of people lately, it would make sense that healthier coffee would play a bigger role. Luckily, for coffee lovers, black coffee isn’t much of an issue when it comes to weight or being healthy. What about the creams you add? What about caffeine? No, worries. With the use of plant-based milk and the return of the half-caf, caffeine and cream won’t be an issue. You can also keep your eyes open for mushroom and hickory root coffee as alternatives to the real thing for those hoping to make bigger changes.

2. Digital Coffee Events

a man in a virtual meeting with coworker holding a cup coffee while waving hello
Image Credit: Esther Pueyo, Shutterstock

Enjoying coffee throughout the COVID-19 pandemic taught coffee lovers how to share their love of coffee from a distance. Coffee shops around the world made coffee events digital in hopes of keeping the connection and love for coffee alive. This shouldn’t change this year. While it may be easier to go out and enjoy time in your favorite local shop, live digital coffee events are still expected to take place and make life fun for those who enjoy being homebodies.

3. Specialty Coffee Bags

a hand holding a single serve coffee in a specialty bag
Image Credit: Marina Sokolchik, Shutterstock

Coffee bags aren’t a new craze. But could we see specialty coffees finding their way into convenient brewing bags? Anything is possible. For those who enjoy coffee at home, but lack the skills to whip up their favorite specialty brews or drinks, coffee bags would be the perfect way to give them what they want and make a profit at the same time.

4. Grab n’ Go Coffee

starbucks coffee in a can
Image Credit: moh. khellaf, Unsplash

If you haven’t tried bottled or canned coffee while on the go, what are you waiting for? The convenience of these quick coffee drinks is rising in popularity. This is especially true when it comes to younger coffee drinkers. Expect to see them showing up in more vending machines and at more local retailers.

5. SnapchillTM


You may not be familiar with the SnapchillTM concept, but you should start now and get educated. The process is kind of like flash freezing and may very well be the year’s new iced coffee. Faster than cold brew, choosing this kind of coffee avoids unwanted, melting ice cubes and a long cold brewing process.

6. Touring The Coffee World

male ang female tourist touring in a coffee farm
Image Credit: Those_Coffee_People, Pixabay

More and more coffee drinkers are finding themselves interested in the industry surrounding their favorite drink. Thanks to this curiosity, coffee tourism is on the rise. While on vacation, people can visit coffee farms and breweries to learn more about the process and the harvesting of their favorite beans.

7. Hard Coffee Cocktails

irish cream coffee cocktail
Image Credit: Micaela Fiorellini, Shutterstock

While it may be the polar opposite of the healthy coffee craze, you should expect to see more coming from the combining of coffee and alcohol this year.

8. Sustainable Coffee

cropped farmer harvesting coffee cherries
Image Credit: danramirez, Pixabay

When speaking about sustainable coffee, it’s important to note that there is more to it than the packaging your coffee comes in. With people being more aware of the world around them and the damage that can be done, knowing coffee is sustainably harvested and that growers are given a fair price for their hard work is something people are demanding when they choose a brand for their cup.

9. Subscriptions

All coffee subscriptions

Having your favorite coffee delivered to your doorstep is an ingenious idea. What’s even better is having this coffee coming as a subscription service where you don’t have to remember to order each month. With so many subscriptions to choose from, this may be the year coffee lovers have dreamed of.

10. Plant-Based Milk

soybean coffee
Image Credit: StockSnap, Pixabay

We mentioned plant-based milk above, but it needs its own number in this list of coffee trends. While lots of people love to drink their coffee black, adding plant-based milk can give the coffee a sweet, creamy taste you may love. With this being a healthier alternative to regular milk, the rise of specialty coffee drinks featuring plant-based milk is expected to continue growing.

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The Changing World of Coffee

While the pandemic made things different in the coffee industry, it’s clear there are more changes on the horizon. With the age of coffee drinkers steadily lowering, more trends, brewing methods, and unexpected tastes are only the tip of the iceberg. Gone are the days of boring coffee with no real flavor. Snap chilled coffees, specialty drinks, and even healthier milk options are on our doorstep.

When visiting your favorite coffee shops, you may find a new menu with options you haven’t heard of. Fortunately, staying on top of the coffee consumer trends we mentioned above will help you determine what you want to try. Cold-brew and iced coffee lovers should be on the lookout for snap-chilled coffees while all of us should strive to open our arms to sustainable, healthier coffee brands.

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In Conclusion

As you can see, there are several trends coffee lovers should be prepared for in the coming year. Luckily, for those of us who need our favorite beverage daily, none of these trends are necessarily bad for the industry or us. The most important thing to remember as you step into the new year as a coffee lover is to be open to new things. You may find a new flavor or brew that you love.

Featured Image Credit: Ketut Subiyanto, Pexels


Melissa Gunter

Melissa has been a fan of coffee since the first sip she stole from her Granny's cup when she was just a girl. Now, she spends each morning writing with a hot cup of coffee at her side. With a love of sweet and creamy bliss, Melissa and her daughter, Amber, stop by and try out every local coffee shop they see. Neither are afraid to try something new and have a long list of favorite coffee beverages they simply can't do without. When she's not freelance writing about her 2 passions, coffee, and pets, Melissa spends her time with her husband, 2 kids, and 5 fur babies. She also loves diving into the fiction world under her pen name, Rena Marin. If she isn't at the laptop or with the family, Melissa is out enjoying the mountains of East Tennessee she calls home.

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