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Does Coffee Mate or International Delight Creamer Have Caffeine?

pouring creamer on a glass of coffee

If you are a coffee drinker, then you’ve probably heard of Coffee Mate and International Delight creamers. These creamers come in both liquid and powder forms and are used to add a bit of texture, flavor, and well, creaminess to a traditional black cup of coffee. But do these creamers have caffeine?

You may be surprised to find that neither of these coffee creamer options has caffeine. They both have low-sugar options, and even the sweetened options don’t contain sweeteners that have caffeine, such as yerba mate tea, which is naturally caffeinated. However, International Delight Iced Coffee drink, which is sometimes confused as a creamer, does have caffeine–55 milligrams (mg) to be exact.

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What Types of Ingredients Do Coffee Creamers Contain?

Coffee creamers actually don’t contain cream, but they do contain certain milk derivatives. These derivatives, in addition to oils, sweeteners, and other fillers are what give creamers their thick texture and sweet flavor. So, if you’re looking for a creamer that has caffeine, you likely won’t find it.

You’d be better off going with an iced coffee blend (such as the International Delight drink) to get your coffee and cream in one drink without having to add any additional cream on your own. If you’re calorie-conscious or looking for low-calorie options, you may want to take a look at the nutritional label.

Why? Because these drinks will usually have more calories and added sugar than a traditional cup of black coffee. So, let’s take a look at what common ingredients are actually in Coffee-Mate and International Delight cream.

Ingredients in Coffee Mate and International Delight Creamers:

  • Corn Syrup Solids
  • Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
  • Sodium Caseinate
  • Dipotassium Phosphate
  • Sodium Aluminosilicate
  • Mono- and Diglycerides
  • Annatto Colors and Artificial Flavors

As you can see, none of the above-listed ingredients contain any caffeine, and many are chemicals found in most coffee creamers.

coffee creamer in a plastic container
Image Credit: kariphoto, Shutterstock

Do Any Coffee Creamer Brands Have Caffeine?

Yes, there are different creamer brands that do contain caffeine. For example, Rapid Fire Ketogenic Turbo contains a double shot of caffeine in each serving, which is about 1 tablespoon. So, if you’re looking for a creamer that can help you get energized for your morning commute to work, here is one to consider. The amount of caffeine in the creamer equates to about 2 cups of regular caffeinated coffee.

How Much Caffeine Per Day Is Safe?

Looking to cut back on your daily caffeine consumption? Well, if you’re a coffee drinker, this may mean limiting your daily consumption or trying an alternative. Your typical cup of coffee, which is about 8 oz., contains about 95 grams of caffeine.

The FDA recommends that healthy adults consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine a day. So, this equates to about 3-5 cups per day. You can also look at different coffee alternatives including tea (it contains caffeine but in smaller amounts), brewed chicory, or lemon water.

You may also want to note the other common sources of caffeine, including cola beverages, tea, energy drinks, chocolate, and some fruits such as guarana berries.

coffee mate french vanilla creamer
Image Credit: Jonathan Cooper, Unsplash

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Reasons To Lower Your Caffeine Intake

Sometimes you may want to lower your caffeine intake, especially if you start feeling the symptoms that may accompany an overconsumption of caffeine. If you have been drinking coffee daily for a long time you may have developed a tolerance. However, you may find that you benefit from reducing your daily intake of caffeine. Here are a few benefits of cutting back on it.

1. You May Sleep Better

Next to health issues, seeking a better sleep quality is often the reason stated by people looking to reduce their coffee and caffeine consumption. Many studies have shown that daily caffeine consumption can mess with your sleep cycle, resulting in restless nights and daytime grogginess. So, if you find that you’re lacking mental alertness during the day and you drink coffee heavily daily, you may want to cut back to determine if it’s the source of the issue.

2. You’ll Feel Less Anxious

The jolt of energy that comes with consuming caffeine is the main reason why many people drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages. However, sometimes caffeine can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.

So, if you’re someone who suffers from these ailments or has issues such as heart palpitations or chronic stress, reducing your caffeine consumption may help mitigate these issues.

anxious woman
Image Credit: StockSnap, Pixabay

3. You’ll Be Less Dependent On It

Another great benefit of reducing your daily caffeine consumption is just how much your body and brain will depend on it. After a while, daily consumption of caffeinated beverages can alter the chemistry of your brain, making you almost crave it in order to feel alert and mentally present.

When you cut back on the caffeine, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. You’ll find that you’ll no longer crave it like you had previously–which will make it easier to wean yourself from it if you’re looking to stop drinking coffee.

4. Your Body Will Absorb Nutrients Better

Did you know that consuming large amounts of caffeine actually hinders the body’s ability to absorb much-needed minerals and nutrients? Well, it does.

Important nutrients such as B vitamins, calcium, and iron have been linked to decreased absorption in people who consume heavy amounts of caffeine. Many studies point to the tannins in the caffeine as being the source of the reduction in absorption.

5.  Lower Blood Pressure

And last but definitely not least, there are the circulatory benefits. Caffeine has been known to raise blood pressure and can exacerbate conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Being that it is a stimulant, it affects our nervous system in ways that may not be ideal if you already suffer from certain heart-related conditions. In which case, it may be best to consult your doctor if you believe your daily caffeine consumption is affecting a health condition.

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Best Coffee Creamer Substitute Options

Looking to quit cream altogether? A coffee creamer substitute can be a great way to cut down on calories if you’re looking for ways to reduce your calorie intake or simply ditch all the added (and often, unhealthy) ingredients included in most creamers. Below are a few common creamer substitutes that can help you do just that.

Oat Milk

Oat milk in a glass, flakes of baked cereals
Image Credit:, Shutterstock

Oat milk has been gaining popularity as an alternative to cow’s milk in recent years. It is also available in almond and soy forms. It is made by mixing soaked oats with water, and then removing any leftover liquid. Oat milk is popular among people with nut allergies who don’t consume dairy.

Almond Milk

Almond milk
Image Credit:, Pxhere

Almond milk can be found in most grocery stores and cafes as a great non-dairy milk replacement. It isn’t recommended for people suffering from nut allergies, however. Almond milk has a slightly nutty flavor, which seems to work well with coffee and tea.

And the good thing is that it’s so popular that you can find it in most major grocery stores and coffee chains, and many brands have vanilla, chocolate, and low-sugar options.

Fat-free or Low-fat Milk

pitcher and glass of milk
Image Credit: Pixabay

Milk is almost the go-to creamer and one of the cheapest substitutes if you’re a fan of dairy products ( not if you’re lactose-intolerant, of course). You can choose from fat-free, skim, or whole milk depending on your preference.

If you’re trying to reduce calories, low-fat or fat-free milk is your best choice. Although it may not be as rich and creamy tasting as whole milk or regular coffee creamer, it will still provide the dairy taste you desire in your morning brew.

Coconut Milk

coconut milk
Image Credit: Tijana Drndarski, Unsplash

Coconut milk is rapidly becoming a popular alternative to traditional coffee creamer, and it’s not that expensive (as let’s say, rice or goat milk). Coconut milk, like almond and oat, is both lactose and dairy-free. Another great benefit of coconut milk is that it can be used in keto diets because it is high in fat–the good fats.

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Wrapping Things Up

If you’re worried about your Coffee Mate or International Delight creamers containing hidden sources of caffeine, don’t.  These creamers don’t have any caffeine in them, however, they do have additives, fillers, and sweeteners that you may want to take a mental note of.

And if you prefer an overall healthier creamer option, consider natural creamers such as milk or non-dairy creamers including almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk.



Featured Image Credit: Alex Boyd, Unsplash


Kate MacDonnell

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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