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Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Guide: History , Caffeine Content & Best Drinks

Dunkin Donuts coffee calories

If you’re a coffee-lover, you have most likely enjoyed a cup from Dunkin’ Donuts. Over the years, Dunkin’ has moved past the donuts it offered to become a true powerhouse in the world of coffee. With tasty coffees available in their shops and on grocery store shelves, they are growing in popularity daily.

The big question, however, when it comes to any brand of coffee is the caffeine content. Dunkin’ Donuts is known for packing a punch when it comes to caffeine. To understand this better, we’re going to take a look at the caffeine content in some of their most popular coffees and coffee beverages to help you navigate the world of coffee better.

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Dunkin’ Donuts Origins

In 1948, a Quincy, Massachusetts restaurant named Open Kettle offered customers donuts and coffee for nickels and dimes. In 1950, however, the company decided it was time to rebrand. Its new name? Dunkin’ Donuts. The goal? Sell the best coffee and donuts at a decent price for people to enjoy. By 1955, it was a franchise with 100 shops.

Today, Dunkin’ Donuts has an extended menu of food items, several coffee beverages, and of course, donuts. Anyone who wants a quick breakfast and a coffee before starting a busy day can swing by their nearest location to find something that will hit the spot.

Hot, Fresh Coffee

One of the signatures of Dunkin’ Donuts is their hot, freshly brewed coffee. Not only does it taste great on a busy morning, but it goes well with a tasty donut when possible. While regular coffee is of course their signature hot beverage, that does not mean they haven’t added flavors and other options to warm you up daily. Let’s take a look at the caffeine content in some of Dunkin’ Donuts’ most popular hot coffee beverages.

two people toasting their Dunkin Donut cups
Image Credit: Isabella and Zsa Fischer, Unsplash

Caffeine Content in Popular Dunkin’ Donuts Beverages and Sizes

Beverage Small (10 oz.) Medium (14 oz.) Large (20 oz.)
Regular Brewed Coffee 150 mg 210 mg 300 mg
Regular Decaf Coffee 7 mg 10 mg 15 mg
Espresso 118 mg in a single shot N/A N/A
Macchiato 237 mg 284 mg 371 mg
Latte 118 mg 166 mg 252 mg

Dunkin’ Donuts’ Iced Coffees

Iced coffee has become a popular coffee drink that people simply can’t stay away from. People visit Dunkin’ Donuts daily hoping to grab one of the refreshing drinks to enjoy. What is iced coffee, you may ask? The answer is simple, it is a brewed coffee that has been poured over iced or chilled. Let’s take a look at the caffeine content in Dunkin’ Donuts‘ three most popular iced coffees so you know what to expect the next time you place an order.

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Caffeine Content in Popular Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Coffee Flavors and Sizes

Flavor Small (16 oz.) Medium (24 oz.) Large (32 oz.)
Iced Coffee 198 mg 297 mg 396 mg
Iced Macchiato 237 mg 284 mg 371 mg
Iced Latte 118 mg 166 mg 252 mg

The Amazing Cold Brews

Cold brew coffee is all the rage nowadays. They are less acidic and less bitter than regular coffee. Dunkin’ Donuts has its own cold brews for its customers to enjoy and use to get their caffeine kick when needed. Take a look at the caffeine content in two of them below and learn more about the caffeine you’re consuming each time you drink one of these cold brews.

Dunkin Coffee Cup
Image Credit:

Caffeine Content in Dunkin’ Donuts Cold Brew Beverages and Sizes

Beverage Small (10 oz.) Medium (14 oz.) (Large 20 oz.)
Cold Brew 174 mg 260 mg 347 mg
Energy Cold Brew 292 mg 378 mg 465 mg

Dunkin’ Donuts Bottled Coffee Beverages

Dunkin’ Donuts has gone beyond the drinks served in their shops. If you stop by your local grocery, you can now find Dunkin’ Donuts bottled coffees to take home or on the go. This helps you avoid the need to rush off to the local coffee shop each time you want the taste of Dunkin‘.

Just like the drinks found in a Dunkin’ Donuts location, these bottled drinks have lots of caffeine. Here’s a look at the caffeine content in some of their most popular bottled coffees.

Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee

Bottled Iced Coffee with Milk (13.7 fl. oz) 171 mg of caffeine
Bottled Iced Coffee with Milk Mocha (13.7 fl. oz) 186 mg of caffeine
Shot in the Dark Vanilla (8.1 fl. oz) 127 mg of caffeine
Shot in the Dark Caramel (8.1 fl. oz) 134 mg of caffeine
Bottled Cold Brew Caramel (9 fl. oz) 136 mg of caffeine
Bottled Cold Brew Midnight (9 fl. oz) 152 mg of caffeine

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Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve seen how the different coffees offered by Dunkin’ Donuts stack up when it comes to caffeine content, you can choose the ones on this list you think you’ll enjoy. However, when you order your coffee, keep in mind just how much caffeine you’re consuming. Drink safely, and enjoy whatever brew, hot or cold, your taste buds are calling out for.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Zheka Boychenko, Unsplash


Melissa Gunter

Melissa has been a fan of coffee since the first sip she stole from her Granny's cup when she was just a girl. Now, she spends each morning writing with a hot cup of coffee at her side. With a love of sweet and creamy bliss, Melissa and her daughter, Amber, stop by and try out every local coffee shop they see. Neither are afraid to try something new and have a long list of favorite coffee beverages they simply can't do without. When she's not freelance writing about her 2 passions, coffee, and pets, Melissa spends her time with her husband, 2 kids, and 5 fur babies. She also loves diving into the fiction world under her pen name, Rena Marin. If she isn't at the laptop or with the family, Melissa is out enjoying the mountains of East Tennessee she calls home.

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