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How to Make Iced Espresso (Recipe & Pictures)

iced espresso and hot espresso

Summer is right around the corner, and that means that those long days in front of the fire with a mug of your favorite blend of coffee isn’t as appealing as it was.

However, if you’re like most of us, you can’t give up your coffee, your caffeine, or your espresso just because it’s 100 degrees out. Luckily, that’s where iced espresso comes in.

Of course, you can still have that mug of fragrant, delicious coffee in the morning. However, during the day, when you have to be out and about in the scorching heat, an iced espresso to give you that caffeine jolt is just the ticket. In this article, we’ll tell you a little bit about how to make iced espresso and share one of our favorite recipes to boot.

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Tips for Making a Great Iced Espresso

It’s important to note from the beginning that there are many different ways to make a perfect iced espresso and just as many different recipes to choose from. Below we’ll give you a few tips on what we consider to be one of the best ways.

iced macchiato on a table
Image Credit: Wongsakorn Napaeng, Shutterstock

Keep Your Espresso Quality High

Whether you make your espresso using a high-quality machine, on a stovetop, or in a semi-automatic coffee maker, it is the shot itself that makes the iced espresso taste so great. Any chef will tell you that dishes taste differently depending on the quality of the ingredients you use to make them.

The same holds for espresso shots. The quality and freshness of the espresso beans you use will determine how good your iced espresso tastes when all is said and done.

Espresso on the Rocks

If you’ve ever poured any type of drink over ice cubes, then you already know that that drink easily becomes diluted as the ice starts to melt instantly. No one wants to drink an iced espresso where the ice is missing or is so watered down that it’s like you’re not drinking espresso at all.

To avoid that disaster, try taking several shots of your favorite espresso, putting it in a glass jar, and then putting it in the fridge. This way, you have cold espresso on hand whenever you’re ready to make a drink.

Coffee Ice Cubes
We’re going to show you how to make coffee ice cubes, which will cool your perfectly brewed coffee down without ruining the flavor. It's so easy and delicious, we guarantee you’ll never look back!
Try this delicious recipe!
coffee ice cubes in a glass

It’s also possible to take an ice tray, pour it full of espresso and keep them frozen in the freezer for later use. This way, you don’t have to worry about your ice cubes melting and ending up with watered-down espresso. Take it a step further and put the espresso ice cubes in the blender just long enough to make shaved ice to add to your espresso drink.

iced coffee espresso
Image Credit: Wade Austin Ellis, Unsplash

Adding Flavor to Iced Espresso

Not everyone wants just a straight-up espresso for their iced espresso. Many coffee lovers want a flavored ice espresso, and there’s nothing like one on a humid, hot summer day in the middle of a heatwave.

There are a few additions that can elevate an iced espresso to a whole new level. Some of these additions include sugar, syrup, caramel sauce, blackberry, strawberry, vanilla, or raspberry syrup. If you want a touch of sweetness, but not too much, add some coconut milk to your iced espresso for a creamy treat. Now, get your iced espresso ingredients, and try our favorite recipe in the next section.

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iced espresso and hot espresso

Amazing Iced Mocha Espresso

Who doesn’t love mocha in their coffee, even an iced espresso drink? This drink is beyond decadent and will take your iced espresso to levels you haven’t thought of before. If you’re on a diet, then this is one you’ll only want to enjoy occasionally, but you’re going to want it every day.
5 star average
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 2 minutes
Freezing Time 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 3 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 2 drink(s)
Calories 212 kcal


  • Ice tray
  • Blender
  • 2 glasses


  • 1 to 1.5 cup espresso cooled
  • Sugar to taste
  • ¼ cup chocolate syrup
  • 2 cups milk
  • Whipped cream optional


  • Pour your espresso into an ice tray, then put it in your freezer overnight. You want the espresso ice cubes to be frozen solid.
  • The next day, put them into the blender, then add your milk and chocolate syrup. Blend it all together until it’s smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into two glasses, glass is best, so it’ll stay colder. Add a few of the extra espresso cubes to help keep it cold and enjoy.


Calories: 212kcal
Keyword iced espresso, iced mocha espresso


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Homemade Iced Espresso: Final Thoughts

This concludes our article on the best way to make iced espresso. Remember, there are a few different ways to make an iced espresso and a lot of different recipes to accentuate the experience. Choose the way that works and tastes best for you. The result should be a nice, cold, iced drink on a hot summer evening, so you don’t have to give up your coffee during the summer months after all.

Don’t forget to experiment with your iced espresso because the more ways you have to enjoy it, the better off you are. Iced espresso is good any time of the year, but summer just seems made for it, don’t you think? What’s your favorite way to make iced espresso?

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash


Kate MacDonnell

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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