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18 Australia Coffee Statistics to Know in 2024

Australia Coffee Statistics
Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

Australians are a nation of coffee lovers, with nearly 90% of Aussies saying that they like coffee and a quarter stating that they cannot get through the day without a cup. However, Australia does not feature in the top 25 coffee-drinking nations by coffee consumer per capita, and the country has a somewhat unique coffee shop landscape, with only 5% of the country’s cafés and coffee shops being big chains.

The Covid pandemic saw an obvious shift toward at-home coffee consumption. But roughly the same proportion of coffee drinkers enjoy a cup of their favorite drink in a coffee shop as those that prefer their beverage of choice at home.

Below, we have curated 18 statistics on coffee consumption and the nation’s coffee drinking preferences, using as recent figures as were available.

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Top 18 Australia Coffee Statistics

  1. The Australian coffee industry generates $5.8 billion USD in revenue per year.
  2. Despite a love of coffee, Australia doesn’t feature in the top 25 coffee-consuming nations in the world.
  3. Nestle Australia is the biggest coffee company in the country.
  4. Australians drank 37% more coffee at home as a result of Covid.
  5. Australians consume 1.91 kilograms of coffee, per person, each year.
  6. 88% of Australians say they like coffee to some extent.
  7. 75% of all coffee consumed is instant coffee.
  8. More than a quarter of Australians say they cannot survive the day without a coffee.
  9. 39% prefer instant coffee and 39% prefer espresso drinks.
  10. 78% of Australians choose coffee based on taste and quality.
  11. Bean origin is the factor most likely to determine how much Australian coffee drinkers pay.
  12. 65% of Australians have a coffee machine at home.
  13. 33% of all cups of coffee sold in coffee bars are lattes.
  14. Latte costs an average of $3.96 AUD per cup.
  15. A flat white costs $3.99 AUD per cup.
  16. 64% of coffee shop customers would return to a coffee shop that offers a loyalty scheme.
  17. Nearly a quarter of coffee shop coffees are ordered to take away.
  18. A massive 95% of coffee shops are independent.
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The Coffee Industry

1. The Australian coffee industry generates $5.8 billion USD in revenue per year.

(Statista 1)

Australia does grow some of its own coffee, but the vast majority is imported from countries like Brazil. In fact, 1.6 million bags of the 1.96 million, 60-kilogram bags consumed in the country are imported. The industry, which includes the sale of coffee beans at home and coffee shop revenue, is worth $5.8 billion USD per annum and this only looks set to grow in the coming years.

coffee beans in sacks
Image Credit: Robert Gunnarsson, Unsplash

2. Despite a love of coffee, Australia doesn’t feature in the top 25 coffee-consuming nations in the world.

(World Atlas)

Despite the nation’s obvious love of the hot beverage, Australia does not feature in the world’s top 25 coffee-consuming nations. The list is headed by Finland with Finns consuming a staggering 26.45 pounds of coffee per person per annum. The US is 25th in the list, with Americans consuming 9.26 pounds. While this is much lower than Finland’s figures, it is still some way ahead of Australians who consume just 4.2 pounds per person per annum.

3. Nestle Australia is the biggest coffee company in the country.

(Market Reports World)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering its global stature and the range of coffee brands they own, Nestle Australia is the nation’s preferred coffee company. Their brands include Nescafe, Nespresso, Blue Bottle Coffee, and even Starbucks Coffee At Home. As well as holding a 58% market share lead for coffee sales, the company’s Nespresso and other coffee pod brands, hold an 82% share of the ground pod market.

spoon with ground coffee over the white empty cup
Image Credit: Vitalii Stock, Shutterstock

4. Australians drank 37% more coffee at home as a result of Covid.

(Statista 2)

The Covid pandemic saw a significant change in coffee drinking habits around the world. This was especially true during national lockdowns when coffee shops and other venues were closed. This led to more people preparing and drinking coffee at home—a trend that was witnessed in Australia just as it was in the rest of the world.

Overall, 37% more coffee was consumed at home during the pandemic than before, with increases of 49% for coffee beans and 48% and 47% respectively for premium instant and standard instant. There was only a 23% increase in the consumption of coffee capsules.

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Coffee Consumption Statistics, Australia

5. Australians consume 1.91 kilograms of coffee, per person, each year.

(Statista 1)

Coffee consumption really started in Australia in the 1950s and 1960s, but its popularity has continued to gain ever since. Today, the nation drinks the equivalent of 1.91 kilograms of coffee, per person, per annum.

man preparing coffee
Image Credit: Cup of Couple, Pexels

6. 88% of Australians say they like coffee to some extent.


Coffee isn’t a niche market, either, with 88% of respondents in one survey stating that they like coffee to some extent. This includes at-home and coffee-shop coffee drinks.

7. 75% of all coffee consumed is instant coffee.

(Market Reports World)

Although the nation is split with regard to their preference for either instant or coffee shops, the convenience and ease of instant coffee means that considerably more of it is consumed over any other type. Three-quarters of all coffee consumed in Australia is instant, including premium and standard instant drinks.

Instant Coffee Powder
Image Credit: Elesban Landero Berriozábal, Unsplash

8. More than a quarter of Australians say they cannot survive the day without a coffee.


For many people, making and drinking a cup of coffee is one of the first things they do. Some have their first coffee before heading out to work, while others stop off and grab a coffee to go during their morning commute. Coffee is considered an essential part of the morning routine and 27% of Australians say that they cannot survive the day without a cup.

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Coffee Preferences

9. 39% prefer instant coffee and 39% prefer espresso drinks.


While more instant coffee is consumed than any other type, the nation is split when it comes to choosing their preferred type of drink. About 39% said that they prefer instant coffee, but the same proportion said they prefer to drink Espresso-based beverages like Latte and Cappuccino.

A cup of cappuccino

10. 78% of Australians choose coffee based on taste and quality.


Nearly eight in 10 say that the single most important factor when choosing a coffee brand is the taste and quality of the drink. While this shouldn’t be too surprising because nobody likes a bad cup of coffee, more surprising is the fact that only 6% said that price is the biggest factor in their choice. This primarily considers coffee shop coffee drinkers, rather than those that consume at home.

11. Bean origin is the factor most likely to determine how much Australian coffee drinkers pay.


While taste is the most important factor in choosing a particular cup of coffee, bean origin is what determines the amount that people will pay for that coffee. About 15% of people said this is the factor that meant they would be most likely to pay more for a cup, while 13% said that customer service was most important in determining their willingness to pay.

roasted coffee beans
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

12. 65% of Australians have a coffee machine at home.

(National Coffee Day)

The introduction of the coffee pod machine, as well as the availability of automatic or semi-automatic coffee machines for the home market, means that more people than ever have a coffee machine at home. Nearly two-thirds of Aussies have a machine of some sort at home. Nearly half (48%) of people have a pod coffee machine.

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Coffee Shop Culture

13. 33% of all cups of coffee sold in coffee bars are lattes.

(Statista 3)

One of the reasons for enjoying a cup of coffee at a coffee shop is the wide range of drinks that are available. Most coffee shops offer a choice of brewed coffee or espresso drinks. One-third of all coffee sold in coffee bars are lattes, making these the most popular espresso-based drinks. Flat whites, which many people claim to be of Australian origin, were the second most popular drink of this kind, accounting for 24% of sales.

A barista making coffee in a coffee shop

14. Latte costs an average of $3.96 AUD per cup.

(Statista 3)

Australians are willing to pay for their coffee shop drinks. The latte is the nation’s favourite drink and costs an average of $3.96 AUD per cup. The most expensive coffee shop beverage is chai, with an average cost of $4.16 AUD.

15. A flat white costs $3.99 AUD per cup.

(Statista 3)

The latte is a comparatively inexpensive espresso drink and even costs less than the nation’s second most popular espresso drink, the flat white. On average, a flat white will cost you three cents more.

Traditionally, a flat white would be made with two shots of espresso and served with less froth and foamed milk, giving it a stronger coffee flavour, although the modern coffee drinking culture allows the individual many different options.

flat white coffee
Image Credit: Laura Johnston, Unsplash

16. 64% of coffee shop customers would return to a coffee shop that offers a loyalty scheme.


Loyalty matters to Australian coffee shop visitors. Or, at least, being rewarded for their loyalty certainly matters. About 64% of people said that they would return to a coffee shop if it offered a loyalty scheme of some sort.

17. Nearly a quarter of coffee shop coffees are ordered to take away.


While the quality of coffee and convenience are important reasons why coffee drinkers choose coffee shops over drinking their favourite beverage at home, the social aspect is also important. Just 23% of the coffees ordered at coffee shops and coffee bars were ordered to take away, with the rest being consumed in the establishment.

coffee paper cups on holder tray on table
Image Credit: Sarah Chai, Pexels

18. A massive 95% of coffee shops are independent.


The Australian market largely eschews chain-brand coffee shops like Starbucks and even McCafe. 95% of all coffee shops in the country are independently owned. The 5% that are chain coffee shops are found primarily in big cities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Starbucks in Australia?

The first Starbucks opened in Australia in 2000 and was located in Sydney. The company opened new stores around the country for the next 8 years but, in 2008, they were forced to close 70% of their stores because they were underperforming. This left just 23 Starbucks, primarily found in major cities and transport hubs. (CNBC)

Does Australia Grow Its Own Coffee?

Australia does grow its own coffee, but only a very small portion of what the nation drinks as a whole. Australians consume 1.96 million bags of coffee a year, and 1.6 million of these are imported.

What Is Aussie-Style Coffee?

Although some New Zealanders might argue, the Australians are reported to have created the flat white coffee. The flat white contains a single or double shot of espresso covered with steamed milk and a thin layer of froth. It differs from the latte in that it has much less milk and foam, which means that it has more of a coffee taste than its milky counterpart. (

What’s the Most Popular Coffee in Australia?

Australians are equally divided in their love of either espresso or instant coffee drinks, with 39% saying that they prefer one or the other. However, much more instant coffee is consumed, with 75% of the coffee sold in the country being instant. When it comes to coffee shop preferences, the nation’s preferred drink is the latte, followed by the flat white.

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Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that Australians enjoy their coffee, whether it is consumed at home or in coffee shops. Nearly 2 million bags of coffee are consumed in the country each year, and the market generates nearly $6 billion USD in revenue each year. However, major coffee shop chains, like Starbucks, have found it difficult to crack the market, with 95% of coffee shops and coffee bars being independently owned and 75% of the country’s coffee being instant.

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Kate MacDonnell

Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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