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4 Best Office Espresso Machines 2024 – Reviews & Buying Guide

office coffee makers Keurig

Getting a bad espresso machine can leave many people steamed, even though it’s the coffee that’s supposed to end up that way.

We’ve all shopped online before, and we know that it’s a process that can sometimes end in disaster. You think you are getting a great deal, but instead, you get a model that doesn’t work right. Or maybe it breaks down after a few months, making you wish you’d kept your money.

If you want to get a great deal on an espresso machine for your office and save some money at the same time, you’ve come to the right place. We want you to avoid the problems that come with buying online. So we’ve compiled these reviews of the best office espresso machines so that you can find the model that’s right for your office and at a price you’ll love, too.

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A Glance at the Winners in 2024

Image Product Details
Best Overall
Nespresso Vertuo Office Nespresso Vertuo Office
  • Easy one-touch use
  • Fast heat up
  • Large tank
  • Second place
    Nespresso Inissia Nespresso Inissia
  • Can make espresso or lungo
  • Compact
  • Fast heat up
  • Best Value
    Third place
    De'Longhi De'Longhi
  • Includes frother
  • Dual temperature control
  • Easy to clean
  • Delonghi DEDICA Delonghi DEDICA
  • Includes frother
  • Good temperature control
  • Works with pods or loose grounds
  • The 4 Best Office Espresso Makers

    1. Nespresso Vertuo Office Espresso Maker – Best Overall

    Nespresso Vertuo Machine Bundle

    The Nespresso Vertuo Coffee & Espresso Machine is the best overall choice for offices that need espresso. Since it uses Nespresso Vertuo capsules, you’ll never have to grind your own espresso or deal with carefully tamping down the grinds. It also means that each person can choose the flavor they most prefer, so there won’t be any squabbling over which brew gets made. It only requires one touch to make a cup of espresso after the pod is loaded, making this one of the easiest models to use.

    It also heats up in about 15 seconds, so no one will have to wait on the machine. It also comes with a large 40-ounce tank. You can get a ton of espressos out of it before you have to refill the water. The only gripe we have is that sometimes it doesn’t make a very hot first cup, so it’s a good idea to run it once without a pod before you use it for the first time. Overall, this product brings a ton of value to an office environment. It will keep your employees happy and well-caffeinated for a long time.

    Overall, we think this is the best office espresso machine you can buy this year!

    • Easy one-touch use
    • Works with Nespresso Vertuo capsules
    • Fast heat up
    • Large tank
    • Not consistently hot

    2. Nespresso Inissia Espresso Machine for Office

    Nespresso Inissia Titan

    The Nespresso Inissia is a good choice for a smaller office that doesn’t have as much demand for espresso. Like the previous model, it works with Nespresso Vertuo capsules. These come ready to go, so you don’t have to worry about grinding coffee beans or tamping grinds down into a small container. You can also make espresso or lungo drinks with this model, which is something more experienced espresso users will value. This model is also very compact relative to most espresso machines, making it a good choice for a small office kitchen.

    It also heats up in about 15 seconds, so you don’t have to wait a long time between startup and a piping hot shot of espresso. The only knock against this model is that it comes with a measly 24-ounce water tank; it’s good enough for about 9 shots before it needs to be refilled. That’s decent for home use, but not great in an office environment. If it came with a larger tank, we’d rank it higher in a heartbeat. But for now, it comes in second on our list.

    • Works with Nespresso Vertuo capsules
    • Can make espresso or lungo
    • Compact
    • Fast heat up
    • 24-ounce water tank

    3. De’Longhi EC155 Office Espresso Machine – Best Value

    Delonghi EC155

    The De’Longhi EC155 is a great choice for an office if you want a full espresso experience, and also want to save some money along the way. This model uses either pods or ground coffee. In other words, you can use whichever method is more convenient or more cost-effective based on your company’s needs. It also comes with a frother, so you can brew lattes and cappuccinos as well. It also comes with dual temperature control, so you’ll always get espresso and steam at the right temperature for their respective applications.

    This model is also easy to clean—a great feature in a busy workplace where heavy use will require regular cleaning. The only real problem with this model is that it’s a bit tricky to learn since it isn’t as straightforward as other models. However, once you’ve learned how to use it, you can get your work done quickly. Given that you can get this model for a very low price, it provides excellent value for the money. The fact that you can make lattes and cappuccinos makes it a great addition to most office kitchens.

    • Uses pods or ground coffee
    • Includes frother
    • Dual temperature control
    • Easy to clean
    • Tricky to learn to use

    4. Delonghi EC680M DEDICA Espresso Maker

    Delonghi EC680M

    The Delonghi EC680M DEDICA might get your attention if you’re looking for a machine that can be used to make lattes or cappuccinos. But it may not be the best choice for an office environment. Like the previous model, it works with both pods and loose grounds, giving you flexibility to choose easier operation or lower cost. It also comes with a frother, so people can steam milk to make great lattes or cappuccinos. Excellent temperature controls mean you always get steam at the right temperature and get hot espresso that won’t burn you but will still keep you warm.

    The first problem with this machine is that it’s very expensive and doesn’t provide that much value over other cheaper models to justify the price. It also has some quality control problems. Expect it to break prematurely. These aren’t traits you’re going to want to deal with in the office as they can lead to a frustrating experience. If you’re looking for something that works better and lasts longer, you’d be wise to invest in a different model—especially since you might be able to get a better one for less.

    • Includes frother
    • Good temperature control
    • Works with pods or loose grounds
    • Expensive
    • Some quality control problems

    Buyer’s Guide – Finding the Best Office Espresso Machine

    We hope that our reviews have already helped you understand the espresso machine market. If you’re looking to get a more in-depth understanding, make sure you check out this buyer’s guide. We walk you through the various features you’ll need to consider before you buy so that you can make a great decision. This is a good place for espresso novices to start, as we’ll teach you everything you need to know before you buy. But this is also a good guide for espresso experts, as we’ll walk you through how to find the best model for your office.

    Pods or Loose Grounds?

    The first decision you’ll need to make is whether you want to use pods or loose grounds in your office. The plus side to pods is that they’re easy to use and very fast relative to working with grounds. You can also provide a wide variety of flavors more easily, which will mean everyone can get the variety they’re looking for without having to buy each flavor in bulk. However, pods tend to be far more expensive on a per-cup basis than loose grounds.

    Loose grounds require packing and, in some instances, grinding as well, which means you have the potential for a large mess. And it will take your employees a bit more time to prepare their coffee. That being said, you have more control over the quality, so most people think you can get a superior espresso from fresh grounds.


    Getting a model with a high capacity means you won’t have to refill the water as often, so you’ll save a lot of time in the long run. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find cool espresso models that tap into a water line so that they refill themselves as needed—unless you’re willing to spring for a commercial-grade unit. But this could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars, and will likely be overkill for most offices.

    Instead, it’s a good idea to look for models with a large water tank, as multiple employees will be able to make espresso without having to stop and refill.


    If you’re going to want to let your employees make lattes and cappuccinos, two of the most common espresso drinks, you’re going to want an espresso machine that comes with a frother. The frother takes milk and transforms it into a foam with steam. You can get a machine with this capability fairly inexpensively. However, you should keep in mind that you usually don’t get great frothers on espresso machines. And it’s often better to buy a separate frother if you’re looking for the best quality.

    divider 3

    Final Verdict

    The Nespresso Vertuo Coffee & Espresso Machine is the best overall espresso machine for an office; it comes with easy one-touch use, compatibility with Vertuo pods, and has a very fast heat-up cycle. The Nespresso Inissia is a good choice if you don’t want to spring for our top model, but its smaller water tank makes it less valuable in an office setting. The De’Longhi EC155 can use pods or ground coffee, includes a frother, and is easy to clean, making it a great choice for many offices, and since it’s relatively cheap, it’s the best overall for the money on our list. The Delonghi EC680M DEDICA is similar to the third-place model, but it costs more and has some quality control issues, which means it will be too frustrating for most people.

    We hope that our reviews and buyer’s guide have given you some insight into espresso machines in the workplace. Armed with that knowledge, you should be able to find the model that’s right for your office.

    Related guides: How good of an espresso machine can you get for around 1000 bucks? How about 500 bucks? or around $150? (click the amounts to go to our guides).


    Kate MacDonnell

    Kate is a lifelong coffee enthusiast and homebrewer who enjoys writing for coffee websites and sampling every kind of coffee known to man. She’s tried unusual coffees from all over the world and owns an unhealthy amount of coffee gear.

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