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Can You Froth Oat Milk? Expert Tips & Tricks

oat milk froth

Milk is no longer as simple as skim and 2% but instead a broad spectrum of choices, ranging from classic soy milk to more modern types of plant-based milk. There are so many options available that fewer people are choosing traditional dairy milk, opting to take another step closer to a healthier lifestyle. With a lot of pressure to supply to the demands, large retail coffee shops, as well as local cafes, offer dairy-free alternatives for their customers as well. One popular dairy substitute is oat milk, a huge fan favorite that not only tastes good but

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Can You Froth Oat Milk?

Yes, you can froth oat milk and it is quite possibly the best plant-based milk to use for coffee drinks. The thickness and creaminess make it a great option for lattes and macchiatos, having the closest texture to dairy milk out of all the plant-based milk. Many people also prefer the taste of oat milk to almond and soy milk in their coffee, especially if it’s a frothed drink.

oat milk
Image Credit: Katrinshine, Shutterstock

What is Milk Frothing?

Milk frothing is an important part of espresso bar and coffee shop drinking making, an important step that can’t be skipped. It’s essential to multiple drinks like cappuccinos that require a foamy layer on top of the espresso. Without frothing milk, you simply have espresso and cream, which is a drink on its own. There are also different types of frothed milk, which is why it’s such a crucial step in making coffee shop drinks.

Steamed vs Frothed Milk

Let’s clear the air about something before talking about types of frothed milk: frothed milk and steamed milk are NOT the same. Steamed milk is the process of heating milk with steam using a steam wand or hand steamer, while frothed milk uses steam and air to create a light, airy, bubbly texture. Steamed milk and frothed milk have their respective places in drink making, which is why it’s good to know the difference.

frothing milk
Image Credit: Mogens Petersen, Pixabay


  • “Wet” foam with tiny bubbles
  • Found on cappuccinos
  • Shiny and thick in texture
  • “Dry” foam with larger bubbles
  • Airy and light in texture
  • Best foam for latte art
Cold Foam
  • Frothed macrofoam without heat
  • Uses low-fat milk
  • Whipped cream-like texture

What is Frothed and Steamed Milk For?

Frothed and steamed milk are both essential components to a wide variety of espresso drinks, both traditional and modern. There are different ratios of foam, milk, and espresso, so knowing what type of foam and how much to use directly relates to the drink you’re trying to make.

Here are some popular drinks that use steamed or frothed milk:
  • Cappuccino: Espresso, Steamed Milk, Milk Foam (1/3 for each)
  • Café Latte: Espresso, Steamed Milk, Milk Foam (1/3 espresso, 2/3 milk, top layer foam)
  • Flat White: Espresso, Steamed Milk (1/2 espresso, 1/2 milk)
  • Macchiato: Espresso, Milk Foam (1/2 espresso, 1/2 foam)

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When it comes to coffee at home, there are times when you might want something a little fancier than normal. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to make drinks like lattes and macchiatos with ingredients at home. Oat milk is a great alternative if you can’t have dairy and it froths up perfectly, giving you the same mouthfeel as dairy milk. As long as you have a frother or steam wand at home, you can have frothed oat milk anytime.

Featured Image Credit: jaanall, Shutterstock


Jaimie Wisniowski

Jaimie is a freelance writer fueled by coffee, whether it’s hot, iced, or made from a local coffee shop. She enjoys writing all things coffee, especially if it means trying the latest coffee shop trends (hello cold foam!). After spending years writing poems, college essays, and short stories, it only a matter of time to turn writing into a career. Writing about coffee simply combined two of her favorite things! When she’s not drinking coffee by the minute and writing at her laptop, Jaimie spends time hiking, exercising, and living an active life. She also loves to snuggle up with a good book and her dog, Margo. If you catch her without a cup of coffee, she’s probably on her way to the coffee maker now.

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