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22 Coffee Consumption Statistics & Facts to Know in 2024

Coffee Consumption Statistics & Facts

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

For coffee drinkers, there’s no denying the feeling of waking up to a good cup of joe, or snatching one at your favorite coffee shop while out and about. With the many options when it comes to coffee beverages, the multiple flavors and aromas, it’s no wonder more and more people are becoming fans of the coffee industry. If you’re on the fence, take a look at these statistics and facts about coffee consumption this year. You may see something that sparks your interest and has you curious enough to try out a cup.

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The 22 Coffee Consumption Statistics and Facts

  1. The average American coffee drinker consumes 3.1 cups of coffee per day.
  2. 66% of Americans drink coffee every day, which is more than tap water.
  3. 41% of at-home coffee drinkers use a drip machine to make coffee.
  4. In the 2019/2020 fiscal reports, Americans consumed an estimated 3.3 billion pounds of coffee.
  5. The United States ranks 25th when it comes to countries that drink the most coffee per capita.
  6. The majority of regular coffee drinkers report drinking it for the flavor, not the caffeine.
  7. Decaf coffee is the least popular coffee drink according to Statista reports with only 0.23 cups being enjoyed per day.
  8. In America, 517 million cups of coffee are consumed per day.
  9. 50% of people in the US, or 150 million people, consume specialty coffee drinks daily.
  10. 65% of coffee drinkers prefer to enjoy a cup with their breakfast.
  11. Black coffee is preferred by 35% of coffee drinkers.
  12. Drive-thru coffee sales have increased by 8% since January 2020.
  13. Cappuccinos and Lattes are tied for the most popular coffee beverage in the US bringing in 33% of espresso drinks consumed.
  14. 34% of past-day coffee drinkers say they ordered their coffee using an app.
  15. Starbucks is the top coffee chain in America.
  16. The average cost of a cup of coffee in the US is $3.28.
  17. Coffee shops are flourishing with an average 7% annual growth rate.
  18. Finland leads the world in coffee consumption per person at 4 cups daily.
  19. In a 2022 report by World Population Review, the United States ranked as the top country that drank the most coffee.
  20. Brazil produces 40% of the world’s coffee and is the leader in all production.
  21. Monaco has an average of 52 Starbucks locations per one million people.
  22. 110 – 120 million bags of coffee are produced worldwide each year.
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Coffee Consumption Statistics

1. The average American coffee drinker consumes 3.1 cups of coffee per day.


In 2022, E-Imports reports that American coffee drinkers were drinking more coffee per day. In recent years, it was reported that coffee drinkers enjoyed an average of 2 to 3 cups per day. Now, coffee drinkers are downing 3.1 cups a day on average.

woman drinking coffee
Image Credit: Chait Goli, Pexels

2. 66% of Americans drink coffee every day, which is more than tap water.

(PR Newswire)

In 2022, the number of coffee drinkers in America rose to 66%. This makes coffee the most popular beverage thanks to a 14% increase since January of 2021.

3. 41% of at-home coffee drinkers use a drip machine to make coffee.

(PR Newswire)

In 2022 reports, those who enjoy coffee at home prefer to use an automatic drip machine for brewing. Single-serve machines ranked 2nd with 27%, cold brew 3rd with 9% and espresso machines ranked 4th with 8%.

4. In the 2019/2020 fiscal reports, Americans consumed an estimated 3.3 billion pounds of coffee.


According to Statista fiscal reports, Americans found themselves loving coffee. 3.3 billion pounds of coffee were consumed in the states throughout this reporting time frame.

coffee beans in sacks
Image Credit: Robert Gunnarsson, Unsplash

5. The United States ranks 25th when it comes to countries that drink the most coffee per capita.

(World Atlas)

While Americans may love coffee, it’s clear that other countries enjoy it as well. The United States ranks 25th when it comes to countries that consume the most coffee per capita.

6. The majority of regular coffee drinkers report drinking it for the flavor, not the caffeine.


In 2017, Statista reported coffee consumers weren’t overly concerned with the energy boost, they enjoyed the taste of their coffee and this is why they chose to drink it.

7. Decaf coffee is the least popular coffee drink according to Statista reports with only 0.23 cups being enjoyed per day.


While people love coffee, decaf still ranks as the least favorite version. Only 0.23 cups of decaf were drunk daily on average.

decaf heart coffee
Image Credit: USA-Reiseblogger, Pixabay

8. In America, 517 million cups of coffee are consumed per day.


More and more Americans are finding their way to the coffee industry each day. Now, the National Coffee Association reports 517 million cups are consumed daily.

9. 50% of people in the US, or 150 million people, consume specialty coffee drinks daily.


Cappuccinos, lattes, and iced coffees are among the specialty drinks consumed by 50% of Americans daily according to E-Imports.

10. 65% of coffee drinkers prefer to enjoy a cup with their breakfast.

(disturb me not)

With only 30% of people preferring to drink coffee between meals, breakfast is still the time when people enjoy drinking their coffee the most.

breakfast with coffee
Image Credit: StockSnap, Pixabay

11. Black coffee is preferred by 35% of coffee drinkers.


The classic taste is still holding firm with 35% of coffee drinkers enjoying black coffee. 65% like adding cream or sugar for taste.

Coffee Shop Statistics

12. Drive-thru coffee sales have increased by 8% since January 2020.


The number of people visiting drive-thrus at their local coffee shops increased by 8% since January of 2020. This shows the industry bouncing back after the pandemic.

13. Cappuccinos and Lattes are tied for the most popular coffee beverage in the US bringing in 33% of espresso drinks consumed.


Per new reporting by the NCA, lattes have caught on with consumers. While cappuccino was the favored espresso drink in previous reports, it is now tied with lattes taking in 33% of all espresso drink consumption.

a cup of cappuccino on wooden table
Image Credit: Pexels, Pixabay

14. 34% of past-day coffee drinkers say they ordered their coffee using an app.


The use of apps to order coffee is booming. According to the National Coffee Association, 34% of drinkers use an app when ordering their coffee.

15. Starbucks is the top coffee chain in America.

(World Coffee Portal)

Starbucks leads the pack when it comes to coffee shops with one or more shops in every state in the country. Dunkin Donuts finds itself in 2nd place.

16. The average cost of a cup of coffee in the US is $3.28.

(Credit Donkey)

According to Credit Donkey, a regular cup of coffee averages $3.28 per cup with consumers feeling that $3.67 is too much.

a white ceramic cup with coffee
Image Credit: Beyza Efe, Pexels

17. Coffee shops are flourishing with an average 7% annual growth rate.


The love for convenient coffee has people visiting coffee shops more often. Thanks to this loyalty, coffee shops are showing an annual growth rate of 7%.

World Coffee Consumption Statistics

18. Finland leads the world in coffee consumption per person at 4 cups daily.

(World Population Review)

The Finnish people love coffee. When it comes to overall daily consumption per person, Finland comes in as the clear winner with people drinking an average of 4 cups per day.

19. In a 2022 report by World Population Review, the United States ranked as the top country that drank the most coffee.

(World Population Review)

Over the years the United States has become a powerhouse when it comes to overall coffee consumption. While the Finnish leads on a per person basis, the US has taken over in overall coffee consumption per country.

a young woman drinking coffee
Image Credit: MART PRODUCTION, Pexels

20. Brazil produces 40% of the world’s coffee and is the leader in all production.

(Credit Donkey)

Brazil is the clear leader when it comes to coffee production with 40% of the total. Vietnam comes in at a very distant 2nd.

21. Monaco has an average of 52 Starbucks locations per one million people.


Starbucks is quite popular in Monaco. For every one million people, there are 52 Starbucks locations available to choose from.

22. 110 – 120 million bags of coffee are produced worldwide each year.


While Brazil leads the pack, the world is busy making 110-120 million bags of coffee every year for consumption.

sacks filled with coffee beans
Image Credit: Alexander Schimmeck, Unsplash

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Frequently Asked Questions About Coffee Consumption

Here’s a look at the most commonly asked questions concerning coffee consumption.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

On average, one 8 ounce cup of regular coffee contains 95 milligrams of caffeine.


Is coffee good for you?

According to experts, moderate consumption of coffee is linked to a reduction in the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver, and endometrial cancer.

(Harvard School of Public Health)

How many cups of coffee can you drink in a day?

Per the FDA, 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is considered safe for consumption. This averages out to nearly 4 ½ cups of regular coffee.


a person holding a cup of coffee
Image Credit: Daria Obymaha, Pexels

Is coffee safe to drink when pregnant?

What to Expect reports that experts feel it is best to lower caffeine consumption when carrying a child. They recommend only consuming 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, including coffee and other sources of caffeine.

(What to Expect)

How many calories are in coffee?

In a cup of black coffee, there are 0 calories. The calories come into play when drinkers add creams, sugars, or flavorings to their cups.

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As you can see, coffee is a global phenomenon. The growth and change in the coffee industry each year show that more people are turning to this delicious drink, and the added coffee beverages gaining popularity, to make it through their day. If you’re a fan of coffee, or perhaps considering giving it a chance, these statistics can provide you with an inside look into our world.

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Melissa Gunter

Melissa has been a fan of coffee since the first sip she stole from her Granny's cup when she was just a girl. Now, she spends each morning writing with a hot cup of coffee at her side. With a love of sweet and creamy bliss, Melissa and her daughter, Amber, stop by and try out every local coffee shop they see. Neither are afraid to try something new and have a long list of favorite coffee beverages they simply can't do without. When she's not freelance writing about her 2 passions, coffee, and pets, Melissa spends her time with her husband, 2 kids, and 5 fur babies. She also loves diving into the fiction world under her pen name, Rena Marin. If she isn't at the laptop or with the family, Melissa is out enjoying the mountains of East Tennessee she calls home.

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